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Monday, 27 May 2024

Building the energy data ecosystem with the National Energy Dashboard!

Discover how to become part of the data ecosystem: the National Energy Dashboard is transforming the energy data landscape with advanced data publication and insights!

Don't miss this captivating episode and submit us your burning questions!

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Thursday, 21 March 2024

Launch of the "Nationaal Energie Dashboard"

Data on energy generation, use and CO2 emissions are becoming increasingly important for the energy transition. For this purpose, Gasunie and TenneT have launched the National Energy Dashboard on March 21, in cooperation with the Dutch Renewable Energy Association (NVDE) and the National Climate Platform (NKP). The dashboard is a further development of the existing websites Energieopwek, the CO2monitor and the Energy Weather Report.

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Tuesday, 12 March 2024

We are online!

In close cooperation with FfE, TenneT has developed a pioneering prototype of an innovative CO2 monitor. It has now gone online and is available to everyone here. The web application calculates and visualizes the greenhouse gas intensity of the German electricity mix in accordance with the requirements of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED III).

Find all the details here!

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Tuesday, 10 October 2023

New Coffee Talk Alert! Don't miss it!

For our next Coffee Talk we are visiting FfE in Munich. We can't wait to discuss the importance of CO2 monitoring with them!

Don't miss our livestream on October 24th at 12:30 and register for the event here.


Friday, 11 August 2023

Energy Weather Report now available on Weerplaza

Since May 1, 2023, energy weather reports have been available on Weerplaza and Weeronline twice a week. With this, parent company Infoplaza is taking over from TenneT, Gasunie and the Dutch Renewable Energy Association (NVDE).

Read more about the intiative here.

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Monday, 22 May 2023

Successful CO2 Monitor Workshop with FfE

On May 11th, our CO2 monitor workshop "Information needs and customer requirements" in cooperation with FfE took place in Munich. 

Learn more about the kick-off event here.

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Monday, 15 May 2023

On to the the next phase!

After a successful kick-off event in February, 57 ideas for the Open Innovation Programme have been submitted. Each participant submitted a pitch video with supporting information about their solution. From this enormous amount of submissions, the top 5 were chosen and invited for the Pitches & Deep Dives event.

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Monday, 17 April 2023

Workshop CO2 Monitor: "Information needs and customer requirements"

Gemeinsam mit Ihnen entwickeln wir von @TenneT und @FfE einen CO2-Monitor zur Bereitstellung von Daten zur Treibhausgasemissionsintensität des deutschen Strommix. Melden Sie sich am besten direkt zum Workshop „Informationsbedürfnisse und Kundenanforderungen“ am 11. Mai an, um mit ihrer Expertise dazu beizutragen: Link zur Anmeldung (Anmeldeschluss ist der 26.04.2023)

#CSRD #SFDR #REDIII #Nachhaltigkeitsmonitoring #Klimaneutralität #Treibhausgasemissionen #Strommix

Friday, 24 February 2023

How Blockchain Technology enables Flexibility for TenneT

TenneT’s aspiration for Flexibility: “We are driving the energy transition by ensuring that all technologies can be unlocked by market parties and grid operators…” – to meet this aspiration TenneT has running multiple Flexibility Initiatives. One of them is connecting Flexibility Service Providers (FSPs), respectively Balancing Service Providers (BSPs), to TenneT using the Crowd Balancing Platform (CBP), operated by Equigy. The CBP is a blockchain-based system that enables communication and information flows between the parties involved in the transaction of flexibility services. By means of standardized resource registration, bidding, activation and measurement flows, the platform enables aggregators of distributed energy resources (DERs) to offer their flexibility services to the market.

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Thursday, 23 February 2023

Wanted: Innovation

TenneT is always looking for solutions to make a smarter and more optimal use of the transmission and distribution grids. We focus on working closely with partners in the value chain and market parties that wish to actively contribute to shaping the network of the future. For this purpose, the Open Innovation Programme has been launched. To find out more about the programme as well as what happened at the kick-off event, we interviewed Len Wismeyer, Advisor in the Digital and Flex Development team. You can find his answers here.

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Monday, 19 September 2022

Digital technologies for a sustainable energy future

We are pleased to have Dr. Marc-Fabian Körner as our first 30 Minute Coffee Talk guest. He is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bayreuth, the Fraunhofer FIT, and the FIM Research Center where he works on digital solutions for the energy transition at the interface of Green Information Systems and Energy Informatics. In his research and projects, he currently focusses on digital technologies that allow the integration of decentralized assets in energy systems.

Grab a cup of coffee and take part in our livestream to learn more about Self-sovereign Identity and why it is also relevant for the energy transition!

Thursday, 8 September 2022

It's coffee time!

Don't miss our first Digital Data Days 30 Minute Coffee Talk with Dr. Marc-Fabian Körner on September 21, 2022 at 12:30 PM! 

Learn about the promising technology of SSI, while enjoying a cup of coffee with us! ☕

Register here!

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Sharing is Caring

Sharing is caring! Don’t miss the opportunity to get interesting insights in data sharing and data spaces for energy this coming Friday. We are excited to have our CEO Manon van Beek opening up the discussion together with experts on the topic. Let’s get digital!

#DDD2022 #digitaltransformation #energytransition #datasharing

#energy #future #innovation #digitaldataday #decarbonisation 

#technology #digitalization #futureenergymarket #emobility #energydata

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

We are almost there!

Only a couple of days left until our Digital Data Day! 📅

Join the discussion, it’s time to get digital!

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

The future for Cars and Data Sharing!

You want to DRIVE the energy transition with us? 🚗⚡ Then register to our next Digital Data Day on march 18th and learn more about a pioneering use case on e-mobility, which will be presented by Felix Schwabe.

He is Head of Digital Business Development at AUDI AG and has more than 10 years of experience in the #automotive industry and in the areas of #innovation#technology and #strategy. As a very motivated person, he drives change for smart and sustainable mobility with data of cars.

Take part at our Digital Data Day Event "Driving the Energy Transition through Data Sharing"

Tuesday, 8 February 2022


Get ready for our speaker Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Otto at our next Digital Data Day on March 18th!

He is the Director of the Fraunhofer ISST (Institute for Software and Systems Engineering), holds the Chair for Industrial Information Management at the Technische Universität Dortmund and is member of the Boards of Directors of the Gaia-X Association for Data and Cloud (AISBL). His research focuses on data spaces, data sovereignty and industrial data management. At our event he will speak about the European perspective on data sharing.

We are looking forward to his valuable input!

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Get ready for our speakers!

Data is a key enabler of the energy transition. During the next Digital Data Days on 18th of March, we serve as the hosting platform to dive-in into Data Sharing initiatives. Don't miss out the opportunity to hear Manon van BeekSteffen HoferBoris OttoFelix SchwabeKlaas Hommes and Jan-Paul Dijckmans talk about:

·    the European perspective on data sharing
·    data spaces for energy in Germany
·    a pioneering use case on E-mobility
·    our future vision of the company in regards to data sharing
·    access and sharing of regulated energy data in the Netherlands

Join the discussion!

#DDD2022 #digitaltransformation #energytransition #datasharing

#energy #future #innovation #digitaldataday #decarbonisation

#technology #digitalization #futureenergymarket #emobility #energydata

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

The wait is over!

Our new Digital Data Days platform is finally here!

Join the TenneT digital community and be part of the next Digital Data Days event on the 18th of March by registering through our platform. We are eager to open up the discussion on Data Sharing for energy with you!

#DDD2022 #digitaltransformation #energytransition #datasharing

#energy #future #innovation #digitaldataday #decarbonisation

#technology #digitalization #futureenergymarket

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Save the Date!

Save the date, 18th of March!
On the next Digital Data Days “Driving the Energy Transition through Data Sharing”, several players in and outside the energy domain will present their vision on the potential of Data Sharing to drive the energy transition.

Join our LinkedIn event and stay tuned to the event registration coming soon together with the disclosure of our digital platform! Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the next Digital Data Days.

#digitaltransformation #energytransition #datasharing 

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Happy Holidays!

Now more than ever it is a time to reflect on what has happened this year. The pandemic changed everything, from the way we work to the way we relate to others. We believed on a new normality and even though we haven’t yet achieved it, it is still on the horizon as another goal to pursue!

Although we don’t know when this is going to change, we would like to remark our capacity as human beings to adapt and keep on working to see the good in our environment; dreams, ideas and projects are still in the making!

In that sense and on behalf of the Digital Data Days, the organizational team wishes you a joyful and healthy merry Christmas season.

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Stay tuned!

As the year nears its end, our new Digital Data Days platform is almost ready for you. Stay with us for its coming release, soon! 

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

The 3D's

How 3D's symbolize the energy transition?! It's been several months since we started the Digital Data Days platform, and of course it seems logical that when we refer to the 3 D's as the Digital Data Days. However, the letter D represents more in the energy transition!

The energy transition is Decarbonized, Decentralized, and Data driven!

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Tuesday, 30 November 2021

What is the potential of Blockchain technology in the energy sector?

The architecture of Blockchain technology makes it a secure and trustable technology for data exchange, promising for the energy sector. Blockchain technology provides a secure and decentralised way of data exchange and storage . This works through sets of blocks and unique hashes which are the backbone of the blockchain. Every user within a specific blockchain has the same information or set of blocks as other users, which creates an alternative of centralized cloud storing to a decentralized infrastructure.

The energy sector is becoming decarbonized, decentralized and distributed. Blockchain technology allows the creation of smart contracts which are highly secure and useful for transparent transactions. In the Netherlands, the Crowd Balancing Platform is already making use of blockchain technology to enable aggregators to use decentralized assets to provide automatic frequency restoration reserves (aFRR). Together with other partners such as TSO’s and industry we are exploring more opportunities to make use of the technology, for instance by facilitating intelligent charging of decentralised batteries connected to the grid to reduce grid congestion.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021


Digitalization supports the energy system of the future through smart grids and connecting new flexibility sources. To picture how this is carried out, here is a clear example of how a new digital platform supports balancing of the electricity system: the crowd balancing platform, hosted by EQUIGY!

TenneT is using the Crowd Balancing Platform (CBP) as a portal for balancing services (aFRR) in the Netherlands and is developing the CBP for congestion management services in Germany. The CBP supports the ease of connection for market parties by making use of an API connection.

Are you interested in the use cases of EQUIGY in other countries?

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Digitalisation trends

Achieving the energy transition is a joint action, therefore the cooperation and the ideas of the community are highly valued! This poll was carried out to know about what the energy community thinks are some of the most important digitalisation trends in the energy sector. The organization of the next Digital Data Days considers your input and will come back to you soon with a date and the topic of the event! Thanks for your participation.

Poll results:

  • Data sharing across sectors – 29%
  • Blockchain for energy – 25%
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) – 25%
  • Internet of Things (IoT) – 21%

Join our Digital Data Days group for more regular updates!

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Decarbonisation in the electricity sector

The energy transition is here, and the energy sector is on its way to decarbonisation. Therefore, as of now it is a matter of accelerating the implementation of sustainable energy, while at the same time keeping energy supply secure and affordable. In that sense the TSO's now face the challenge of rapid decarbonisation of the electricity system, which means major efforts should take place in grid capacity expansion, and integration of variable renewable energy. To cope with these challenges and global climate changes, the energy sector and neutral stakeholders such as TenneT must go through a digital transformation. In our joint thesis paper with the Universität Bayreuth and Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT we suggest 5 main points to be considered:

  • Sector coupling and grid expansion
  • Decentralisation requires bridging the digital gap
  • Digital certificates for decarbonisation
  • Agile sandbox testing and learning
  • Carbon emissions of grid expansion measures

Don't miss the opportunity to read more in this article.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Electrification across sectors

Electrification is growing across sectors, decentralised and variable renewable energy is changing the behaviour of the electricity system and challenges the TSO's core tasks. As the system asks for changes, TenneT sees digitalization as the key enabler of the energy transition. But, how so? Simple, digitalization and the development of smart grids facilitate markets for new actors and roles, such as prosumers contributing to a reliable electricity system, and even facilitating sector coupling. Digitalization is crucial to integrate the European electricity market and at the same time operate the grid safely.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Digitisation vs Digitalization

Digitization vs Digitalization, why is it important to distinguish them?

Digitization stands for the transformation of analogue information into digital, whereas Digitalization represents the conversion of processes into digital ones by means of digital technologies in order to achieve more efficient business models.

Both, Digitization and Digitalization are important to the energy transition, for example when data,obtained from digitalized sensors in cars share weather data. By sharing the data, it can be used to support weather forecasts to determine the production of renewables! TenneT and market parties can use this data to improve insights in grid loads and to act upon the behaviour of production and consumption of energy.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Looking back on a successful workshop

Looking back on a successful workshop “Flexibility and Market Trends” on the 29th of June, we are already visioning the next Digital Data Day with a focus on Digitalization of the Energy Sector taking place at the beginning of next year. As a frontrunner in every aspect of the energy transition TenneT is aware of the importance of the market parties and their input, which can be translated into project ideas. Stay tuned into our upcoming workshop.